Friday, September 24, 2010

Hooray for sock creatures!

So...I made some sock creatures tonight (used real socks this time). Strangely enough, the "easy" patterns were the hardest for me to do. The bunny was my favorite...I will definitely be making more of him.

My adorable little bunny!

Side view so you can see his/her ears.

Squarish turtle.

Strange (but cute) fish.

Well, that's it for my creativity tonight. I'm completely out of ideas...for now. I think I will go put some of my rag rug material in a bag for tomorrow. I'm supposed to make an appearance at a 1st birthday party for a friend's baby, so a rag rug will give me something to do (especially since my hubby volunteered to show up early to help grill).

1 comment:

  1. That fish has some serious potential for expanding into bigger, funkier things! I just finished my 30 days of sock creatures challenge that ended up taking months. I did, however finish 30 creatures plus an extra. I learned lots of lessons--such as not taking on huge challenges.

    Even after doing that many, I'm still a fan and have a big basket of socks to use up.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you birth many more creatures from socks.
