Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not so good this week is Wednesday, and I haven't posted anything since Sunday....and also haven't worked on any new projects since then. (I have done a little bit on my new rag rug, but not much). I am going to cop-out and blame being sick, but I do need to start working at getting better or I will never have everyone's Christmas gifts finished in time...not to mention nothing to sell if I decide I want to do that. I have been thinking alot about what I would like the name of my business to be. Or what I want to have as a "brand name" for all of my creations. (I may have to make a facebook post and have my friends and family weigh in.) So, I am making a goal for this weekend to get my craft stuff semi-organized and projects ready to start. (I can't wait till we have the money for our own place so I can really organize my stuff and have a room, or corner of a room, dedicated to my projects.)


1 comment:

  1. If this confuses anyone--I now have a business name--Scrappy Bag Lady--but this post was originally on another blog which I have imported into this one.
