I want to be a writer. There it is--in print. No taking it back now. More accurately, I am a writer--I want to be an author.
Why do I want to add something else to my already overloaded schedule? Well,...I enjoy it. Writing is an outlet for me, a way to experience life through someone else's eyes.
I have loved to read for all my life, and generally liked to write as well. Writing is only fun when I get to choose the subject though, or at a minimum choose between a few options.
I write about things I love, things that irritate me, and places and times that interest me.
My current favorite is writing historical fiction; the book I am working on now is set during the Great Depression. (Update: this book has been shelved while I write children's books for awhile but it is still a favorite.)
I am writing this post requesting the support of my family and friends through this journey.
I have a couple of submissions going out at the end of this month which may or may not get published. (Update: they didn't).
I don't have much written that is anywhere near finished, but have begun work on a book, and have a poem or two that I believe may be good enough.
When I post new blog posts, I would love for you to read them. I hope to eventually post small excerpts of some of my stories and get honest feedback.
What I don't want from writing: I am not looking to make millions as an author, but would love to make enough so that I can stay home with my kids eventually.
I would love to make a little money, but mostly I want to share my writing with people who will appreciate it. I love being a home-school mom, and don't want to change that either. (Of course, this means less uninterrupted writing time, but my family will always come first in my life).
What do I want from you? I would love for you to follow my blog, or just check out my posts when I post them. They may or may not pertain to writing but I want to blog at least weekly about writing or share something I have written.
I also like to exercise my abilities and stretch them to new lengths, so I welcome comments with suggestions you would like to see me do a blog post on. Or you can specify that you would like me to post a poem or short story about your subject. No promises whether it will be good, but it will be fun!
Thank you in advance for your support. I would love for you to follow me on social media also--use the links below to find me.